For those paying attention it was at one of the lower points of the last six years that I was working for what had to be the crappiest courier service in LA and ended up delivering tax papers to none other than Milton Teagle aka.. 'Richard' Simmons, who invited me into his Hollywood hills home to look over his collection of baby Jesus statuettes and to eventually encourage me about my journey and the speed bumps I was hitting in life - post John Olmsted.

If I remember Richard asked why I was doing "just ok" and after I told him the short of it he seemed unfazed. "I think you're doing great" he said, "Your dad would be proud of you."

To follow his lead I didn't leave Richard Simmons' house unfazed either. I started realizing what I'd suspected for some time - that my inner doubts I hide all too well... most people not only see me brimming with confidence, but being pretty happy.
Maybe I have a career in acting after all.
On the fourth of July this year a friend asked me how I was doing relative to the year before. Normally a question you'd ask around New Years but she's not know to do things like everyone else. I thought about it, a year ago I was in the South of France, had just bought a new car, and was heading to Nashville. Not too bad on the surface.

Fast forward to July of this year - I ride my bike to Santa Monica to help out at a friend's cooking school - doing whatever's needed. Mostly dishwashing.

Nothing more figured out.
Nothing worthy to report.
Goals but without steps to achieve them.
Happy? Hardly.
So I moved
I discovered during my last six years of self analyzation post-dad that I'm much better when I move. Not addresses but taking action, stepping out of the boat, etc..
So I did. I looked up a guy I'd been thinking about as a documentary subject for over five years that I kept putting off, he published a crazy campfire songbook of over 1,100 songs and I always thought he'd be interesting. Of course turns out he lives just an hour down the five freeway and he IS interesting. Hopefully I can tell his story soon as well.
Then I did stand up comedy
Yes I'm serious.
Then I did it again.
And again.
And again.
I don't have any pictures yet because what do you think I'm crazy but man talk about liberating and empowering - two words that barely scratch the surface of how it felt as soon as my first set was done.
And now I get to say "my set" like it's real.
Then I really put my foot in it
I placed an ad online seeking collaborators for "maybe" making a documentary about the BMX company I started when I dropped out of college 28 years ago.
I got way more responses than I thought and landed on these two dudes - Kevin and Brian Flint:

Then it happened
I don't know who said it first but someone said - " hey you look younger."
Well that's a nice compliment.
Then another person said it.
and another.
The day before shooting began, just last week, I was on the phone with a business associate I've known only a few months but who responded after hearing about the documentary "you sure sound happy."
Happy? I hadn't thought about it.

Looking back at our first weekend of shooting I'd have to agree.
Making another film feels pretty good.
Out on location and setting up drone shots and scheduling interviews? You betcha.
Finding some validation for something creative I did 25 years ago? Absolutely.
But I think the real reason these last few months have resulted in reverse-aging is simpler, and I'm hoping will have a longer term effect.

I've remembered how to fall.