Welcome Wade Baynham to the "5 Great Questions" Podcast.

Wade Baynham was a founding member of the 90's coffee house band the Basics. Together with his wife Kelly and a revolving door of drummers and sound men, the Basics toured constantly between 1991 and 2005, from San Diego to Seattle and back, mostly playing at small venues in Palo Alto and Santa Cruz, summer camps like Mt. Hermon, and Coffee Houses like Mountain Roaster's in Felton, where I first saw them.
Wade and the Basics never acheived the success they sought, and attempts to measure that success would bring much pain - even causing Wade and Kelly to split. However the hundreds and thousands of fans who came to see them over the years will always cherish their music and the memories, the magic of discovering a new band at a little, often funky coffeehouse.
For fans of the Basics, the wandering souls that followed their journey, they will always be part of the singer - songwriter 90's, and those great songs still resonate today.
Follow Wade at https://wadebaynham.bandcamp.com/
Basics albums are on Spotify and iTunes.
Podcast is up on Apple / 5 Great Questions and iHeart Radio Podcasts.