Not that kind of burner

You miss it don't you? Some of you at least do. I was only a medium BB fan.
Don't get me wrong, great acting, great plot twists, and great world that was created. And maybe that was it. It was just a world I didn't want to live in. But I get it.
And that's not what I'm talking about.
Let's get positive

Physical too, but mainly positive.
It hasn't always been so.
I won't go back into the last three months because if I had to take a wild shot in the dark I'd guess you and me are both ready to move on. But I felt I owed it to everyone who thought I really fell off a cliff or who thought I should fall off a cliff, to leave the CVD data updates behind and leave you with some positivity going into the summer.
So I'll let the video speak for itself - please enjoy these five good things to do and let me know if even one of them helps. Or maybe you've got something you've already started doing along these lines you'd like to share?
There's muddy waters still regarding much of 2020 but one thing is clear: It's time to live.
Step one?
- Buy a burner phone
What's a burner phone?
Peace out*
*actually since I forgot to explain it in length on the video a burner phone is any phone with a pay-as-you go plan and/or a sim card that is easy to swap out. I've had the same phone number for - gasp - 18 years. A burner phone you pick up at a strip mall near you, pay $20 which lasts until it runs out, and then you either pay another $20 or toss it and get a different phone.
Actually don't toss it. Even bad guys recycle.